Being A Better Customer

Starting Your Therapy Private Practice? How To Advertise On A Budget

If you've recently opened your own therapy practice and you're having a hard time with your advertising, you might be trying the wrong avenues. You might think that you need to have a big budget before you can undertake a successful advertising campaign for your new practice. However, that's simply not the case. In fact, there are ways that you can get your name out there without breaking the bank and destroying your operating budget. Here are three steps you can take to achieve a successful advertising campaign on a budget.

Improve Your Social Media Presence

If your therapy practice doesn't have a social media presence, you're missing out on a prime advertising opportunity. You might not realize this, but you could be advertising for free right from your social media pages. When it comes to therapy, many people want to learn ways that they can help themselves overcome some of the struggles they're facing in their day-to-day lives. One way to utilize your social media presence to advertise your therapy practice is to provide basic self-help tutorials for things like stress management. Providing brief self-help tutorials will bring potential clients to your social media pages, it will also encourage sharing. One of the benefits of sharing is that each share is another potential client.

Advertise in the Community

When you think of advertising, you probably think of big ticket things like newspapers, or television and radio ads. However, there's a less expensive way to get your name out there. Contact local schools and arrange to have your new therapy practice advertised in their school play bills, track and field announcements, and commencement programs. Not only will you be advertising your new practice, you'll also be doing your part for the community as well. Advertising through local schools is a less expensive way to get your practice recognized in the community you serve.

Utilize Search Engine Optimization

If you haven't started utilizing search engine optimization, you haven't maximized your advertising potential. Search engine optimization – or SEO – is the best way to ensure that your new therapy practice receives the recognition it deserves on internet search engines. One of the problems with search engines is that you can get stuck so far down the list that potential therapy clients will never see your web page when they're conducting an online search. However, the SEO will move you up the list so that your practice is at the top of your local searches, which is right where you want it to be.

Contact a service, like iTherapy, LLC, for more help.